Sunday, August 12, 2012


Haven't seen Ana and the family in a long time.  Someone has either been sick or just busy with events and obligations.  We had planned on the coming to Avon one friday and taking beach pictures of the kids, but hopefully we will still do that soon.  We were finally able to get together today at the Colts Neck Spraygrounds at Dorbrook Park.  It was packed and our first time there.  Dylan didn't quite like the spraygounds. 

We lasted about 15 minutes in the water section.  We walked over to the regular playground

He prefers to go down the slide belly down

monkey see monkey do

Loving the swings and playing with daddy

Dylan and his madrinha

We may need to get Dylan a little more used to the water.  He doesn't like water in his face too much.  One day! In the meantime, the kids had a great time and that's all that mattes. 

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