Monday, February 20, 2012

No Contact

Today Dylan was finally able to get his MMR & chicken pox shots. The 1st time he was sick & the 2nd time we had to check with the liver team to see how to approach this as both are live vaccines. Tyler was told by his coordinator that he was not allowed to have contact with Dylan for 2 weeks! Sucks! The Vaccines can be transmitted through his dirty & wet diapers & even saliva. Therefore I have coverage for the next 2 weeks to help watch Dylan.

Dylan is otherwise on target developmentally! He's 29 3/4in and weighs 21lbs. Oh and Tyler went to see Dr. Birnbaum today and she was very happy to see how well Tyler was doing & looked! I have some good healthy boys! Now if I can only get over this cold/sinus congestion I'll be happier!

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