Friday, November 30, 2012

Ghetto Hoops

My friend and coworker Alisa is... How do I say... A really nice, funny and a bit of a ghetto girl. She wears these huge hoop earrings to go with his tall stature - she's 6'3". Since it was her last day we thought it would be funny for me to try on her biggest earrings she brought just for the party.

I couldn't hold that pose for more than 5 seconds hahahaha!! Tyler said I look Spanish. Guess I don't the rest of the time? They weighed about 5lbs each! Never ever will I wear earrings like that again, but it was fun.

25 years

Today we had a retirement party for my boss. She's been working in our department for 25 years, has been assistant chief investigator for 15 years and worked in over 5 offices. I've had the pleasure of having her as my boss for the 9 years I've been here. She's the reason I stayed in this office. We may have had our moments, times where she's annoyed me and I've disliked her, but in the end she's done so much for me with both personal and work related issues. She was a wonderful help and support whenever Ty was in the hospital especially during his Transplant and recovery constantly checking up on us. Her last day is Dec 31, 2012. Going to be a happy yet sad day. Here are a few pics of the party.

Just some of the investigators she's trained and supervised.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Emma's 8th

Yesterday was my cousin's, Dana, daughter Emma's 8th birthday. They had a nice family party at their home.

2 Photo Shoot

Forgot to put these up. Been real busy. Hurricane Sandy has pushed me back at work with a ton of cases still left to do and type up. While I have the time, I edited Dylan's 2 year old pictures I took at mercer county park by the lake. Last year Joy Nokes took the pictures, but I figure I would take them this year since I have my new camera.

Still working on it. I actually tried to post this from my laptop but it seems I've exhausted my space with picasa gmail space and I'm not paying to upgrade. So I'm probably just going to start uploading pictures straight to my iPad from my camera or upload them to Facebook and save pictures from there to my iPad.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Dylan has discovered stickers. Here's what we just did with them.

Daddy was a good sport.

Daddy's New Toy

No more jeeps in the household for now. It's Dune Buggies. Tyler went down with his dad to buy his first dune buggy.

Grandma Estler picked up Grandpa Estler and got to sit in it for a photo op.

It's a 2 seater and needs some work, but once done Tyler will be out driving through the mud again!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Unknown Gifts

If there was one complaint I could make with the party place it was that the gifts were a bit of a mess.  We were unable to know who some of the gifts were from.  Grandparents Estlers joined in the opening. 

There are more to come.  

Bounce Party

Today was another big day.  I originally wasn't going to have a big turnout, but some good and old friends came for the fun as well.  Nice to have both sides of my family in the same room also.  It appears everyone had an awesome time as did I! Peole kept coming up to me telling me how much fun their kids were having and themselves.  Well worth the money haha.

There are sooo many more pictures I'm putting them on snapfish.  I can email them to whomever wants to see them just let me know and which email to send it to.